Beautiful classical chinese songs that miss a boy

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Info 歌词节选 some Lyrics
Pinyin: Shuo Shi Yi Jiu
English: Never Change
Singer: 林慧萍 Monique Lin
Reason: In China, every students of Chinese language and literature know 三毛, her English name is Echo. She has many books about traveling, such as Stories of the Sahara, How Many Flowers Fall in the Dream, The Rainy Season Will Not Return. This song wrote by Echo. It's about Echo's first love. She loves him. His emotions do not align with hers. Many years later, they meet in the street.
Listen: 说时依旧

重逢无意中 相对心如麻
对面问安好 不提回头路
提起当年事 泪眼笑荒唐
说时依旧 泪如倾
星星白发 犹少年

We meet by chance, hearts aching,
Say hello, then say goodbye.
Talking about the past, tears mixed with laughter.
I really, really, really loved you.
Telling others, my tears still fall,
Though our hair turns white, you're still the boy I knew.
Please, remember this.
(by: Me & ChatGPT)

Pinyin: Wang Ji Ta
English: Forget Him
Singer: 关淑怡 Shirley Kwan
Reason: This song is unique. A movie named 《堕落天使》 Lost Angel uses this song, at the time the beautiful actress seems like lying in bed pleasuring herself. Too beautiful, too attractive. The longing she wants him is so vividly. When a women loves a man, this songs shows her inner voice.
Listen: 忘记他


Forgetting him
Is like forgetting everything,
Like casting away my sense of direction,
Losing myself in everything.
Forgetting him
Is like losing all my joy,
As if my heart were gently locked away,
Bound to longing, quietly aching.
(by: ChatGPT & Me)

Pinyin: Shao Nv De Qi Dao
English: A Girl's Prayer
Singer: 杨千嬅 Miriam Yeung
Reason: Two lovers go to find their separate lives. The girl wants the boy to kiss her. This song has a touch of divine splendor. The girl wishes not only for her beloved but also for everyone in the world to find love. It's a song that is not selfish.
Listen: 少女的祈祷


I pray that Heaven blesses my love,
That the fears I carry never come true.
I’ve never been favored by fortune—
How can I regain my confidence?
I ask God to be kind for just ten minutes,
To grant me his kiss,
Like mercy offered to a sinner.
I love God,
But I also love a man in this world.
Please, let him stay true to me,
And shelter me with your grace.
(by: ChatGPT)