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  • 17:32, 17 February 2025What is the most important thing (hist | edit) ‎[1,169 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "对上班族来说,什么事是最重要的?世界上到处都是黑心公司,黑心公司的一大特点就是使用劣质显示器,劣质显示器对眼睛、思维与精力的伤害无法计数。 那么,对上班族来说最重要的一件事就是:自费购买一台好点的显示器。天天面对屏幕,显示器好,工作效率才高,生命质量才高。 黑心公司的显示器,一般最大的问题是色域差,调光差,显色差,纯...")
  • 15:30, 17 February 2025Founding I have a keen sense of smell, how to get into perfume industry (hist | edit) ‎[3,453 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "嗅觉极度灵敏是从事香水行业的巨大优势!以下是为你量身定制的职业发展路径和行动指南,结合行业特点与个人优势规划: --- ### **一、核心能力强化计划** 1. **嗅觉实验室建设** - 购置专业 **嗅觉训练套件**(如Le Labo嗅觉练习套装/Perfumer's Apprentice原料盒) - 建立个人 **气味记忆库**:按香调分类存放500+种原料样品(建议用棕色避光瓶+电子标签系统)...")
  • 11:23, 17 February 2025How to ban a site, to make us more brave to focus on real life (hist | edit) ‎[2,886 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "; 1. 安装 Tampermonkey ; 2. 在 Tampermonkey 中新建脚本 ; 3. 把以下脚本复制进去即可 <syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line> // ==UserScript== // @name Be brave // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description 精准屏蔽知乎首页,但不屏蔽从搜索引擎或其他途径进入的具体页面。本插件思路是 Duanyll 最先提出并实现的,本插件是在他的思路...")
  • 22:28, 12 February 2025Test table (hist | edit) ‎[102 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |+ caption ! ! ! ! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |}")
  • 16:08, 12 February 2025Programming basics (hist | edit) ‎[267 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== VSCode == == 规则 == * ; 分号表明一条语句 * {} 花括号表明语句块 * 空格用于区分语法单元 * // 双斜杠为注释符 * : 为注释符")
  • 20:06, 11 February 2025How to keep live (hist | edit) ‎[18,818 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "人的精力是颇为有限的。付出的过程比获取要长很多。做任何有益于自己的,成长性的事情都需要付出精力,这也要求人们有节制的使用这一无形资本——我认为这些显而易见的道理,越早想明白越好。 曾经有很长的一段时间我不明白为什么每当我参加一些人数众多,气氛热闹,互动频繁的活动时就会情绪低落,即使是参加大型同学聚会,面对大家欢快的讨...")
  • 17:18, 21 January 2025Test mermaid (hist | edit) ‎[446 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<graphviz> graph LR; linkStyle default interpolate basis subgraph one [开销] A([支付宝]); B([微信]); G(["京东、刷卡"]); H([理财]); end subgraph two [收入] C[工商银行]; end D[农业银行]; E([中国银行]); F([招商银行]); E --> H E & F --> A & B C --> E & D & F F --> G classDef auto fill:#9ACFBF class B,E,F auto </graphviz>")
  • 10:57, 18 January 2025Test 竖分解图 (hist | edit) ‎[376 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<graphviz> graph sth { splines=false; A [shape=record; label="<one> A1 | <two> A2 | <three> A3 | <four> A4 | <five> A5 | <six> A6"] subgraph B { node [shape=plain]; B1 [label="B1"] B2 [label="B2"] B3 [label="B3"] B4 [label="B4"] B5 [label="B5"] B6 [label="B6"] } A:one -- B1 A:two -- B2 A:three -- B3 A:four -- B4 A:five -- B5 A:six -- B6 } </graphviz>")
  • 10:18, 18 January 2025Test label (hist | edit) ‎[131 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<graphviz> graph hi{ A [label="{{{one}}}" B A -- B } </graphviz> Category: Test")
  • 11:05, 17 January 2025How to use wildcards in mso excel xlookup (hist | edit) ‎[471 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Excel 中结合 XLOOKUP 与通配符,将产生强大的生产力。以下讲讲在 XLOOKUP 中使用通配符的关键: =XLOOKUP(<font style="color: blue">"*"&C3</font>,$A$2:$A$51,$D$2:$D$51,"没找着",2,1)")
  • 10:36, 17 January 2025How to transport Excel table to MediaWiki table (hist | edit) ‎[1,306 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Excel 是一款强大的表格软件。MediaWiki 是一款强大的笔记软件。Excel 的表格非常灵活,相对来说 MediaWiki 在表格处理上比较呆板。 首先是不建议凡表格皆用 MediaWiki 做,尺有所长,寸有所短,发挥各个软件的长处,结合其长处,才是最佳策略。硬是要在 MediaWiki 中完成一切笔记整理,是没有必要的。 实在要转的话,这样做: # 把 Excel 表格另存为 <code>CSV UFT-8 (...")
  • 09:53, 17 January 2025How to use freemind (hist | edit) ‎[2,755 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "FreeMind 是一款开源的思维导图软件,开发速度放缓了,最近一个稳定版本 1.0.1 发布在 2014 年,最近一次更新在 2023-11-06。跟随它的收费思维导图一大堆,但是我依然推荐 FreeMind 这款软件。为什么? 我们使用思维导图软件,肯定不是为了画图,做图不是目的,吸收图中的内容才是目的。所以,不论工具多么炫酷,当对工具的折腾,大于对内容的吸收,就不是...")
  • 17:02, 16 January 2025Test math (hist | edit) ‎[616 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<math>E=mc^2</math> <math>2 + 2 = 4</math> <math>x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}</math> <math>a^2 + b^2 = c^2</math> <math>e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0</math> <math>\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}</math> <math>\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}</math> <math>\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{pmatrix}</math> <math>\frac{d}{dx} \left( x^2 \right) = 2x</math> <math>(x + y)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} x^{n-k} y^k</math> <math>\lim_{x...")
  • 16:19, 16 January 2025Test template (hist | edit) ‎[17 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''A little thank you...'''")
  • 09:46, 14 January 2025Test mcjs (hist | edit) ‎[115 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The word <span title="This is the explanation of the word."><u>example</u></span> is used here.")
  • 09:45, 14 January 2025Test graphviz (hist | edit) ‎[3,100 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<graphviz> digraph G { rankdir=LR; root [label="Root"]; root -> branch1 [label="To Branch 1"]; root -> branch2; branch1 -> subbranch1; branch1 -> subbranch2; branch2 -> subbranch3; } </graphviz> <graphviz> digraph MindMap { rankdir=LR; node [shape=box, style=filled, color=lightblue]; MainTopic [label="Main Topic"]; MainTopic -> Idea1 [label="Branch 1"]; MainTopic -> Idea2; Idea1 -> SubIdea1 [label="Leaf 1"]; Idea1 -> S...")
  • 15:19, 13 January 2025Test 分列 (hist | edit) ‎[586 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<graphviz> graph 分列 { A [label="{<r> Hi | <s> Hello | <t> Why }"] A - B } </graphviz>")
  • 12:01, 10 January 2025How to read diff result (hist | edit) ‎[210 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<graphviz> graph { shape= 5c7 [<left>5; <middle>c; <right>7] 5c7:left -- 第几行有变动 5c7:middle -- 具体变动 5c7:right -- 变动后是第几行 } </graphviz>")
  • 10:40, 26 December 2024Excerpts from Labor Law (hist | edit) ‎[43,699 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "中华人民共和国劳动法 == 第一章 总则 ==   第一条 为了保护劳动者的合法权益,调整劳动关系,建立和维护适应社会主义市场经济的劳动制度,促进经济发展和社会进步,根据宪法,制定本法。   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内的企业、个体经济组织(以下统称用人单位)和与之形成劳动关系的劳动者,适用本法。   国家机关、事业组织、社...")
  • 15:09, 19 December 2024What hidden rules should a teacher to know (hist | edit) ‎[252 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "原作者:[ | 木月]@知乎 原链接: alt=File:教师应该知道的规则.png")
  • 16:57, 17 December 2024How to use beancount (hist | edit) ‎[2,372 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Beancount 是一款简洁、可靠的财务记账软件。本文讲述如何使用它。想要财务自由的人,可以学一下。 ==安装== <syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line> # 如果安装很很慢,请学会换用清华 apt 源 sudo apt install pipx mkdir -p ~/.pip echo "[global] index-url =" > ~/.pip/pip.conf pipx install beancount pipx install fava </syntaxhighlight>")
  • 15:52, 16 December 2024DPRK nothing to envy notes (hist | edit) ‎[333 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "原作者: byvoid 原文链接: 转载理由:书中的描写善于以小见大,以指尖相对形容沙地延伸,以见到狗食形容信念的崩塌。栩栩如生,笔力千钧。 alt=File:DPRK nothing to envy notes.png|800px")
  • 08:52, 13 December 2024How to response when you leaving punctually but boss saying why you leaving so early (hist | edit) ‎[1,306 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "原作者:Sigon @知乎 原链接: 区别职场老油条和学生思维应届生的一个重要特征,就是看这人会不会压低存在感。 用游戏的话说,叫气息遮蔽 我看到的老油条怎么处理这个事的? 下班前10分钟,去厕所。 厕所呆1分钟就出来,从楼道往上面走一层楼。 从上面一层楼坐电梯到2楼。 玩手机到6点准时通过打卡机...")
  • 10:48, 11 December 2024Some useful functions in mso excel (hist | edit) ‎[353 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "; 计算两个日期之间差了几年 : =YEARFRAC("2018/9/30","2024/7/1",1) ; 对几年取整,舍弃小数部分 : =TRUNC(sth) ; 往后推算 5 年是哪个日期 : =EDATE("2018/9/30",5*12) 日期注意用英引号扩起来。 ; 取两位小数 : =round(a1, 2) Category:MicroSoft Office")
  • 17:14, 9 December 2024How to make docx with a batch of repeated contents (hist | edit) ‎[5,719 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "MSO Word 的邮件列表功能并不难。利用 Word 的邮件列表功能,可以很方便地批量生成文档。只要明白了邮件列表功能的使用场景,就掌握了它的用法。 {| class=wikitable ! 分类 !! 项目一 !! 项目二 !! 项目三 |- | 英文叫法 || Maillings || Select Recipients || Start Mail Merge |- | |- | 本质 || 批量生成 || 选中名单 || 开始生成 |}")
  • 20:45, 7 December 2024Chinese yuwen learning standards (2022 Edition) for grades one to nine (hist | edit) ‎[109,405 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "义务教育 语文课程标准 (2022年版) 中华人民共和国教育部制定 北京师范大学出版集团 BEIJING NORMAI SWVkKSHY PUBUSHI*;GROUP 习近平总书记多次强调,课程教材要发挥培根铸魂、启智增慧的作用,必须坚持马克思主义的指导地位,体现马克思主义中国化最新成果,体现中国和中华民族风格,体现党和国家对教育的基本要求,体现国家和民族基本价值观,体现人类...")
  • 11:57, 7 December 2024How to prepare lessons for a three-grade elementary school student efficiently (hist | edit) ‎[5,647 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "如何给小学生备课,一直是新教师心目中的一件难题。其实只要学会模仿、演讲、亲和,这件事并不难,以下是笔者的一些可行的方法。 ==找到本课程的考纲教学点== 普通人都是感性的,而教学设计是理性的。普通人会想着把干货知识点上完就行了,而教育领导们重视的是实现考纲的教育目标。 所以,备课第一步,就该多方查找,找到理性角度,本课我们...")
  • 10:11, 7 December 2024An ahk script that can move cursor inside tags on chinese condition of rime weasel (hist | edit) ‎[1,472 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "这是一段自动跳转光标进标签的 ahk 脚本样例。它只在输入法中文状态下好用。在英文状态下,始终少跳了一格,我还没找到办法判断小狼毫输入法的中英文状态。 现在,中文状态下,打 del,会自动出结果且光标在标签内,即:<nowiki><del>[光标自动跳到这里]</del></nowiki>。 现在,英文状态下,打 del,会自动出结果且光标在标签内,即:<nowiki><del><[光标自动...")
  • 11:55, 6 December 2024Are there any most useful mozilla firefox adds on extensions to recommend (hist | edit) ‎[2,167 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Firefox adds on extension 常规安装方法文字教程: # 直接在浏览器三横处点击找到 Add-ons and themes # 点进去搜你想要的插件名称 # 点进想要的结果 # 最后在搜出的结果里点安装 Firefox adds on extension 常规安装方法图片教程: File:Firefox插件常规安装方法-直接在浏览器三横处点击找到 Add-ons and themes.png|Firefox插件常规安装方法-直接在浏览器三横处点击找到 Add-ons and theme...")
  • 09:54, 6 December 2024Math Test (hist | edit) ‎[596 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<math>E=mc^2</math> <math>2 + 2 = 4</math> <math>x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}</math> <math>a^2 + b^2 = c^2</math> <math>e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0</math> <math>\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}</math> <math>\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}</math> <math>\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{pmatrix}</math> <math>\frac{d}{dx} \left( x^2 \right) = 2x</math> <math>(x + y)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} x^{n-k} y^k</math> <math>\lim_{x...")
  • 11:17, 2 December 2024Legal professional qualification exam (hist | edit) ‎[3,334 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==民诉== * 仲裁委有需要时可在区设立,但不一定在区设立")
  • 23:43, 1 December 2024Bianque cure illness (hist | edit) ‎[9,527 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=扁鹊治病逐字稿=")
  • 17:33, 29 November 2024How to make complete and good 301 redirect (hist | edit) ‎[1,880 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "有时,为了网址更短,我们往往会利用 .htaccess 实现改写网址。改写前的网址是,改写后的网址是,这样更美观,节约屏幕纵向空间。 在服务器内部实现改写后,会出现一个问题,那就是改写前后的两个网址都能正常访问,对搜索引擎来说不太友好,会抱怨有页面存在大量重复内容。即主观上改写前后是同一个...")
  • 10:10, 29 November 2024How to give a senior leader feedback without getting fired (hist | edit) ‎[155 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "老登们从来不抱怨环境差,因为环境差就是他们造成的。哈哈哈。开个玩笑。HN上看到一篇How to give a senior leader feedback without getting fired 如何在不丢工作的前提下,向资深管理者提出反馈,觉得有用。上班打工这么多年,发现沟通与影响力太真实了。摘录几条: 1. 更多、更好、更棒,而不是二极管 🚫 “新员工培训欠缺”——老登:“你懂完了?就你会培训...")
  • 10:51, 28 November 2024Crontab python script not run as planed but can run by hand (hist | edit) ‎[783 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "有一个 crontab 定时任务,设定了半个月了,今天一检查发现它压根儿没运行。 原任务: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line> 20 6 * * * source /path/to/activate && /path/to/python /path/to/ && deactivate </syntaxhighlight> 网上检索,发现应该是 crontab 中的 py 脚本,找不到预设的 bash 环境变量,具体怎么解决我也不想深究。 通过把上述脚本,包进一个 sh 脚本后,成功让 submit_url...")
  • 21:04, 23 November 2024Beautiful classical chinese songs with vivid imagined scene (hist | edit) ‎[2,069 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "When you find the Listening links broken, you can contact me via email: lgqnr1863 at outlook dot com. Or via Wechat: qlzq-tqp. I will fix it asap. {| class = "wikitable" style="width: 100%;" ! Info ! style="min-width: 350px;" | 歌词节选 ! style="min-width: 350px;" | some Lyrics |- | ; 《昨天今天下雨天》 : Pinyin: Zuo Tian Jin Tian Xia Yu Tian : English: Rain day of yesterday or today : Singer: 彭家丽 Angela Pang : Reason: : Listen: [https://www.bilibi...")
  • 09:32, 21 November 2024Contact information (hist | edit) ‎[56 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "微信:qlzq-tqp 邮箱:lgqnr1863 at outlook dot com")
  • 09:32, 21 November 2024Scan qr code to quickly access this site (hist | edit) ‎[482 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:清冽之泉欢迎语.mp3 若你想在手机上阅读本站文章,有两种方法供你选择: 1. 如果不嫌本站网址 输入时麻烦,可以在手机上用浏览器,直接输入网址,即可访问。网址是100px|bottom的拼音小写、不要声调。 2. 如果不便输入网址,可尝试扫一扫以下二维码,也能在手机上访问本站。 File:扫二维码访问清冽之泉.png|...")
  • 09:31, 21 November 2024Donate to this site (hist | edit) ‎[930 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "网站的生存离不开钱。来钱渠道有五个: * 一是挂广告联盟,时不时蹦出来一个关系不大的广告,很影响各位读者的体验; * 二是带货,目前小站找不到赞助商,站长自己也无货可卖; * 三是卖课,任重道远,站长正在筹备中; * 四是接单,任重道远,站长正在筹备中; * 五是打赏,得到读者的打赏,站长才能更好地保持公正性,有更多精力放在本站。 若...")
  • 09:30, 21 November 2024Happy new year 2024 (hist | edit) ‎[230 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "祝小孩,开心快乐! 祝学生,学业进步! 祝工人,收入稳定! 祝白领,事业上升! 祝老板,财源广进! 祝闲人,衣食无忧! 祝老人,平安健康! 祝大家,万事如意!")
  • 09:30, 21 November 2024Maintenance announcements (hist | edit) ‎[519 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "以后,本人在后台测试某些功能时,会在此公告测试期间。 {| class="wikitable" ! 维护事项 || 开始日期 || 预计结束日期 || 维护成功日期 |- | 搬迁服务器,更新备案 || 20240823 || 20240831 || 20241016 |- | 升级 MediaWiki 至最新版 || 20240823 || 20240831 || 20241016 |- | 修复 apt upgrade 后图片无效 bug || 20240823 || 20240831 || 20241016 |- | 数学公式支持 || 20241017 || 20241017 || 20241017 |- | 更换英...")
  • 09:29, 21 November 2024Friend links (hist | edit) ‎[112 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[ 码中人的博客] 有思想,有表达,有能力 创造了新内容的好博客")
  • 09:26, 21 November 2024My essays (hist | edit) ‎[15,029 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==秋天== 我转身,见窗外的枫叶茂盛,叶子金黄。金色落日,在苍黑的群山怀抱里,柔光勃勃。彩霞鲜艳热烈如衣裳。有一个沉静忧愁的女孩立在天边,太阳沉落的地方。 一天天,枫叶由翠绿变得暗红,如褪去金色的阳光,引人凝望,想起它们温暖人心的颜色。叶片飞入空中,翩翩联联,如一次温柔的集体舞蹈。憔悴的枯叶躺在地上,仰望着深邃的蓝色天空...")
  • 09:26, 21 November 2024My dreams (hist | edit) ‎[11,559 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==雪晴== “世间事物,在不同角度,常会见到不同风景。七景路空中木栈道,乃京西八宝山下少有的幽胜好景,特别是王家院落的一排屋檐,在无字碑处去看,檐线成列,檐角伸展,有如参拜。青瓦明媚,山树掩映,大慰人心。” 雪晴的周六,计划去书上写的空中木栈道打卡。大桥跨过一条河,公交车窗外,见山脚下的一潭水,北边山洪和泥砂可以汇积到这...")
  • 09:25, 21 November 2024My poems (hist | edit) ‎[7,067 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==空== <poem> 那时候我十七 爱上了一个女人 每天陪着她 坐在天台看星星 我问她为什么不爱我 她说她爱上了两个人 那时候我爱上了一个女人 她故作老成的样子好迷人 每天陪着她 去山顶听风声 我问她为什么不爱我 她说她爱上了两个人 那时候爱上了一个女人 她丰满的胸脯好销魂 每天陪着她 絮絮叨叨聊个不停 我问她为什么不爱我 她说她爱上了两个人 </poem>...")
  • 09:24, 21 November 2024Stories of xiaoye town (hist | edit) ‎[205,627 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{#css: .tocnumber { display: none; } p { text-indent: 2em; } }} ==第一章 自杀== 李泽准备自杀。 他躺在床上。时间是晚上七点多,屋外已经黑尽了。宿舍里亮着惨白的光,四根灯管坏了一根。他昏昏沉沉睡着。宿舍外应该正是华灯初上,他仿佛可以见到清冷的路灯灯光。情侣在校园里言谈欢笑,挽着腰或牵着手,去草坪或树影里呢喃,许下一生一世的诺言。有一对俊男...")
  • 09:22, 21 November 2024All i saw in the book norwegian wood was loneliness (hist | edit) ‎[12,166 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1918年,鲁迅在某个深夜翻开书页,发现字里行间全部写着“吃人”二字。他是这样说的:凡事总须研究,才会明白。古来时常吃人,我也还记得,可是不甚清楚。我翻开历史一查,这历史没有年代,歪歪斜斜的每页上都写着“仁义道德”几个字。我横竖睡不着,仔细看了半夜,才从字缝里看出字来,满本都写着两个字是“吃人”! 1971年,村上春树煮了一整...")
  • 08:58, 21 November 2024What kind of girl is like midori in the book norwegian wood (hist | edit) ‎[7,060 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "我尝试着模仿村上春树的风格答一下这道题。 由于比较喜欢绿子,所以答题。各位可能认为前面这句用了“所以”,却没有更深的因果关系。喜欢就答题,这是自然而然的,为何要特地强调指出“因为喜欢”才答的题呢?其实正确的说法应该是,本来我并不是特别喜欢村上春树的忧伤颓靡的风格,本来不喜欢答关于村上君的答案,本来近来处于深深的绝望...")
  • 17:45, 20 November 2024What are the most amazing book openings you have read (hist | edit) ‎[7,030 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "我们人类天生对故事免疫。 就算海上钢琴师一生从未下船,随着船葬身鱼腹,我们也只会在那一刻悲伤,笑笑告诉自己:这只是故事。 大多数书籍的开头,都会郑重其事地塑造一种“故事感”,以告诉成年读者,这是故事,和真实的世界隔着十万八千里,你应该从故事里得到趣味,请不要赔进去真实的情感。那样的开头仿佛在说: 还有一些书籍的开头,...")
  • 17:45, 20 November 2024Relationship map of defend yanan (hist | edit) ‎[852 bytes]Mwroot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1000px 绘制这样的人样关系图有几大难点: * 必须找出人物关系的最短路径,靠人力手工统计要花费几天时间,靠软件才能迅速找到 * 必须确保框线、箭头平滑优美,靠 Photoshop 或 Visio 或 CDR 太麻烦了,靠软件才能完美绘制 * 一旦出错要手工改图、手工调位置,是很麻烦的,靠软件才能自动更新人物位置 * 能复用的部分不要重复...")
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